Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Crissy Field

Explored the city and went to Crissy Field for the first time for a really fun photoshoot. I can definitely say that San Francisco is full of surprises and always has beautiful scenery


Photos were taken with the usage of minimal lighting. It's just an experimentation to improve our photography skills. Photos by Kevin, editing by myself

Black & White

Experimenting with black & white photography, photos by Kevin, editing by myself

Monday, April 14, 2014

Grace Cathedral, San Francisco, CA

I was lucky enough to attend mass at this cathedral. The music sounded heavenly and mass was very intimate. It's one of the few places that brings you closer to your faith. If you live nearby, it is definitely worth a visit!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Marin County, CA

With a busy schedule, people tend to forget to embrace the beauty of nature and enjoy life, and this spontaneous "shoot" depicts exactly what a lot of people are missing: calm, serenity and having fun in a peaceful, natural environment. 

Japanese Tea Garden, San Francisco, CA

I've been living in the Bay Area for almost six yeas and I've never discovered this beautiful place in the city until now. The garden was very harmonious and although the lighting was a problem in these photos, I tried my best to capture its beauty. It is definitely worth a visit!